• iconShelter Afrique, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State
  • iconinfo@arkoftrinity.org

Worship WITH US : EVERY SUNDAY | 9am - 12pm


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+234 901 501 1546

About Us

About us

Welcome to AOTGMMS

Ark of Trinity GM Montessori School

We serve as a beacon of hope and support, providing charity and welfare to both our congregation and the broader community. Our mission is to demonstrate the love of Christ through acts of kindness, generosity, and compassionate service.


Lives Impacted


Worship Experiences


Evangelism Outreach


Community Support

Our Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the association are:

  • To preach the word of God, through the gospel of Jesus Christ, to touch and convert unbelievers and lost souls in all parts of the world.
  • To raise a spirit-filled and word-based people that will offer true quality worship unto God in celebration of their redemption.
  • To mobilize God's people with a burning desire for soul-winning and nurturing the converted through evangelism and mission outreaches.
  • To raise the Christian believer with the heart for service in the church of Jesus Christ.
  • To pursue divine and noble transformation of lives via Bible-based preaching and teaching.
  • To assist the needy, aged, widows, and the vulnerable in society.
  • To discourage child abuse and juvenile delinquencies in society.
  • To steadily inculcate Bible seeds for honesty, integrity, and nobility.
  • To promote female and male empowerment towards developing and maximizing their potentials.
  • To embark on community development through encouraging collective actions of community people to generate solutions to their common problems and by executing projects for the rural communities in their areas of need.
  • To educate community people on capacity building, self-improvement, economy development, and empowerment, and to engage the people in such activities towards helping them maximize their potentials.
  • To promote peaceful coexistence among community people.
  • To promote adherence to the rule of law and respect for human rights.
  • To pursue humanitarian service, evangelism, Christian congregational services.
  • To establish educational institutions and trusts.

Ark of Trinity G.M Altars and Groups

AOTGM - HQ Church

(a.k.a Throne of Mercy, Seat of Grace)

Ibesikpo Branch

(a.k.a The Beautiful City on the Hill)

Nsit Atai Branch

(a.k.a My Rehoboth - Place of my Expansion)

Afaha Akai Branch

(a.k.a Place of my Establishment)

Nwaniba Branch

(a.k.a Gate of my Encounter)

Afaha Nsit Branch

(a.k.a O! God of Revelation)

Ifiayong Branch

(a.k.a Place of my Turnaround)

Daughters of Zion

(a.k.a My Jewel)

Youths for Christ

(a.k.a We are Moving Forward)

Children of Destiny

(a.k.a "We are for Signs & Wonders")

Men Fellowship

(a.k.a "Strength of my Loin")

Youth Fellowship

(a.k.a "We are Moving Forward")


(a.k.a "Praise Be")